My services

If you're leading a production company where things aren't going well, results are lacking, you're unable to seize new opportunities, or there's significant employee turnover, or perhaps you, as a leader, feel overwhelmed and constantly chasing deadlines, then don't resign yourself to this situation! 

The good news is, if the organization isn't in a drastically dire financial situation, targeted changes, commitment, and patience can reverse these processes, and we can establish a healthy and efficient operation. 

The three main sources of problematic situations could be

Unexpected External Changes

A new owner arrives with new expectations, new legislative regulations come into play requiring internal operational adjustments, or perhaps a competitor drastically shifts the market landscape. Rapid change is necessary, and often forced.

Leadership Issues

Sometimes, difficulties are tied to the organization's top leader or other key executives. The sudden departure of a leader or the arrival of a new one always alters internal dynamics and can modify organizational culture. This can create uncertainty and potentially lead internal operations in a negative direction.

Organization and Processes

It's possible that the organization's structure and processes no longer align with current needs. A major project may arise, or expansion may be desired, but existing resources and processes are insufficient to accomplish this. We can't achieve more of the same; something needs to change. However, due to internal inertia, the organization cannot renew itself and adapt to the new circumstances.

No matter where the problem originates, the symptoms are similar

Stress can be reduced within the system and transformed into tasks.

My services

Whatever the task is, we start with a consultation, at the end of which we jointly decide on the next steps from the following options: 

Situational Analysis and Strategy Development

We'll gather the steps you're willing to take on your own and discuss how to proceed. Often, this alone is enough to move forward because talking to an external, objective expert with a similar background can provide better insight into the problem and possible solutions.


I can accompany you on your journey through mentoring sessions tailored to your needs.

Shadow Coaching

I can shadow you for a few days, observe your operations and organizational functioning, and then analyze the experiences together.

Group Workshops

We can conduct a diagnosis with the involvement of your team in a workshop and develop the initial steps of necessary changes together.

Process Improvement from Design to Implementation

If you're stuck in the implementation phase, I can temporarily join your organization to increase the critical mass needed for change, teach team members new tasks, or take over operational tasks.

Project Management Basics

If there are specific issues with projects and your team lacks experience in project management, I've developed a very simple project management program. The goal is to integrate basic concepts and elements of project management into daily practice with minimal theory, focusing on organizing your own projects.

Interim Management

If there's a lack of management capacity in the company, and the emphasis is on operational functioning rather than organizational development, then as an interim manager, you can entrust me with leadership tasks for a period of time.

What results can you expect?

Interventions aimed at developing organizations rarely bring about instant change: internal inertia and organizational overload work against us. 

But what I can promise is that DAY BY DAY, STEP BY STEP, IT WILL GET EASIER.


You'll spend less time firefighting, and more tasks will run 'automatically' along established processes.


Processes will refine during testing and implementation, and more situations will move from the 'emergency, needs special attention' category to the 'we have a procedure for this, we'll handle it if needed' bucket.


Roles and responsibilities will become clearer, reducing the number of problems and decision-making situations landing on your plate. 


In increasingly shorter meetings, you'll receive more targeted, precise information without needing to request or dig for it.


The atmosphere in the office and on the shop floor will improve, your colleagues will take on more responsibility and handle their tasks more efficiently. And they'll want to stay:)


...And suddenly you'll notice that you only work on weekends if you feel like it, and slowly the everyday overtime diminishes.

You'll have time to plan, seek new opportunities, and develop yourself.

Your most exciting new challenge will be learning to relax again.

Let's work together!

Until now, I have helped the organizations I led and those under my care. Now, however, I would like to assist you, so that you can harness the potential within yourself and your company. 

Feel free to reach out with confidence.

Blog posts

Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits ( Dóra

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Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits ( Dóra

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