I am Katalin Kovács, or as I've been known for 25 years:

The Kovács Kati.

I firmly believe that there is a better version for everything and everyone, every organization, process, team, leader, and individual. There are numerous untapped opportunities that we can realize and experience within each of us.

Until now, I have helped the organizations I led and those under my care. Now, however, I would like to assist you, so that you can harness the potential within yourself and your company.

I am Katalin Kovács, or as I've been known for 25 years:

The Kovács Kati.

I firmly believe that there is a better version for everything and everyone, every organization, process, team, leader, and individual. There are numerous untapped opportunities that we can realize and experience within each of us.

Until now, I have helped the organizations I led and those under my care. Now, however, I would like to assist you, so that you can harness the potential within yourself and your company.

You also want...

... the everyday processes at your company to run smoothly without you, so you can dedicate your time to developing the company?

…to focus only on the truly important matters, receiving all necessary information automatically, in the right format and at the right time?

...to build a stable, cohesive team with whom you can work harmoniously towards common goals?

...to spend peaceful evenings with your family and go on vacations without constantly being tied to your phone?

Akkor a legjobb helyen jársz!<span data-metadata="">

You also want...

... the everyday processes at your company to run smoothly without you, so you can dedicate your time to developing the company?

…to focus only on the truly important matters, receiving all necessary information automatically, in the right format and at the right time?

...to build a stable, cohesive team with whom you can work harmoniously towards common goals?

...to spend peaceful evenings with your family and go on vacations without constantly being tied to your phone?

Akkor a legjobb helyen jársz!<span data-metadata="">

My services

I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions.
Organizations themselves, their processes, teams, and individuals are all unique, not to mention their financial capabilities. 
Whatever the task is, we start with a consultation, at the end of which we jointly decide on the next steps from the following options: 

Why Choose Me?

Because in our collaboration, you can rely

What My Previous Clients Say

"Few people have the opportunity to work with a boss who is also a coach and mentor. I had that chance when I worked with Katalin. I had the pleasure of working with her for almost two years at M+S Ceramics Kft, where we launched the new factory in Székesfehérvár together. Her ability to lead a team and bring out the best ideas from her colleagues was truly impressive to me. She always made sure that everyone left the meetings with a smile, no matter how tense the topic was. Katalin deserves my highest recommendation both as a team member and a leader." 

Kada Tibor
“13 évet volt szerencsém Katival dolgozni az Esab Mór Kft-nél, először mint közvetlen kolléga aztán mint beosztott. Igen, szerencsém volt. Kevés hozzá hasonló managerről hallottam eddigi pályafutásom alatt. Nem volt “született” vezető, de mindent megtett, hogy a lehető legjobb legyen benne. Folyamatosan tanul és fejleszti magát, soha nem dől hátra. Mindig tisztelettel és maximális odafigyeléssel bánt a beosztottaival, megbecsülte és értékelte a szakmai tudást, véleményt. A felmerülő problémáknál, feladatoknál -kitűnő emberismeretének segítségével- úgy tudta irányítani az aktuális problémán dolgozó csapatot, hogy mindenki a legjobbat hozza ki magából. A közös éveink alatt nem emlékszem olyan esetre amikor meghátrált volna. Azon kevés emberek közé tartozik aki bármikor számíthat a segítségemre. Bátran ajánlom, aki vele dolgozik csak nyerhet az együttműködésen.”
Asztalos Gábor
Warehouse manager
ESAB Mór Kft

Let's work together!

Until now, I have helped the organizations I led and those under my care. Now, however, I would like to assist you, so that you can harness the potential within yourself and your company. 

Feel free to reach out with confidence.

Blog posts

Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits (interim.hu). Dóra

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Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits (interim.hu). Dóra

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