About me

I've spent 15 years in leadership positions in factories - including multinational companies - which has been an incredible journey:

I continuously refined and shaped myself and the organizations I belonged to, aiming for smoother and more organized daily operations, and greener performance indicators. 

I have experienced firsthand what it's like to lead a production plant and maximize its potential.

I firmly believe that only joyful organizations can succeed in the long term. We should enjoy our work, love the team we belong to, and achieve good results and execute major projects.

Leading a company doesn't have to involve constant tension and firefighting; stress can be reduced within the system and tasks can be transformed into opportunities.

How I Work


I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions, as organizations themselves, their processes, teams, and individuals are all unique, not to mention their financial capabilities. Whatever the task, we start with a strategic consultation: a deep, two-hour conversation aimed at understanding the situation, at the end of which we jointly decide on the next steps.


Whatever the task, we start with a strategic consultation: a deep, two-hour conversation aimed at understanding the situation, at the end of which we jointly decide on the next steps.


We can only talk about real change when processes become ingrained, natural, when everyone knows their role, and the organization becomes self-sufficient in the new setup..


Interventions must be cost-effective and visible, meaning we don't shoot in the dark; we take only necessary and sufficient steps together..

My services

Whatever the task is, we start with a consultation, at the end of which we jointly decide on the next steps from the following options: 

Let's work together!

Until now, I have helped the organizations I led and those under my care. Now, however, I would like to assist you, so that you can harness the potential within yourself and your company. 

Feel free to reach out with confidence.

Blog posts

Potenciál Podcast 9.

A pénzügyre vagy könyvelésre sajnos a hétköznapokban eléggé mostohagyerekként tekintünk, minden számlát időben be kell küldeni, az adóval is csak a gond van, és nem

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Potenciál Podcast 8.

Fejlődés, növekedés, javulás akkor van, ha van cél, ha tudjuk, hová tartunk. Az egyéni vagy vállalkozási célt sokféleképpen ki lehet dolgozni, de van néhány fő

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Potenciál Podcast 7.

Ha meghalljuk, hogy ISO audit lesz, általában a felesleges papírtologatás jut először az eszünkbe, mert a nagyon sok helyen tényleg így működik a gyakorlat. De

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Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits (interim.hu). Dóra

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