How can I support the change?

A kép forrása:

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits ( Dóra brought a lot of data and questions to our topic, "Is it Time to Change?" and I thought I'd share the last question we discussed: What would we recommend someone read, listen to, or watch if they're considering making a change?

Azt gondolom, és ezt a beszélgetőpartnereim is megerősítették, hogy a váltás szerencsés esetben nem egy kényszerszülte hirtelen döntés, hanem sokszor évekig készülődik, érik a gondolat, alakul az irány. Nekem utólag visszagondolva az első lépés az új felé valószínű Simon Sinek: Találd meg a miérted című könyve volt. Ez a könyv nem igazán egy egyszer elolvasós dolog, sokkal inkább egy munkafüzet, aminek a feladatain, kérdésein egyesével érdemes végigmenni, tényleg magunkba nézni, és addig csiszolni a konklúziót, a miértet, ameddig az tényleg a miénk.

I filled pages with different versions, crossed things out, changed the order of words, just to make it feel right. When I revisited it last year, even though several years had passed, I found that while I only made some tweaks, the essence hadn’t changed. I discovered my "why," what truly drives me.

Last year, another brilliantly simple tool was added to my journey: the 3MIQ – the 3 Most Important Questions method by Vishen Lakhiani, available in the Mindvalley app. The three questions may seem simple at first, but following Vishen’s explanations and examples during the exercise can lead to deep, clear insights and a crystal-clear picture of what you truly want from life. It was a powerful experience for me to see my plans for the next 55 years on a single A4 page. It has since become my computer’s wallpaper to remind me of my real, long-term priorities whenever I make a decision.

It’s worth taking both of these tools seriously because they provide valuable insights about ourselves.

The third thing I recommended isn’t something you can read, but it's perhaps the most challenging one at times. Making a change isn’t easy. It’s worth asking for help if something isn't working, if you’re stepping into new territory, or if you’re feeling down. Why struggle to figure it out all alone if someone else can teach you? And why keep seeing the world in gray when someone can help wipe the dust off your rose-tinted glasses?

At the end of our discussion, we agreed that making changes and growing is worthwhile, and it feels like this energy is in the air right now. For those who are going through it, I wish you resilience and good luck!

Picture of Kovács Kati

Kovács Kati

I help production organizations maximize their potential and establish joyful, stress-free operation

Blog posts

Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits ( Dóra

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Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits ( Dóra

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