What can You do with half an hour of free time?

We often underestimate the possibilities of what we can do in our free half hours and the amazing potential that as a leader we can influence the organization for which we are responsible for with our every gesture and sentence. However we can use a short break between two meetings in many ways. 

I'll give you an example. If I sit for half an hour at the sorting table in front of the packaging line to check quality, I can contribute to the development of the organization and the development of the culture with the following things: 

  • "if Kati sat out to pick, then it's really important" - I reinforce the quality awareness of the employees there
  • if I find a batch number that I don't think should be packed, and I discuss this with the production manager, the production supervisor or someone from quality control, I give the same message to them: quality is important
  • if I realize that it is not possible to select an electrode in occupational safety glasses for dioptric glasses, and I decide to purchase dioptric occupational safety glasses for the workers - the probability that they will actually use them increases, I confirm that occupational safety is important, since we spend money on it, and that we really mean it, to go home in the same condition as we arrive
  • f I notice a piece of cardboard glued to the machine, which the colleagues use to reduce downtime, the sticks don't get stuck there and I tell maintenance to replace it with a permanent, stable design - next time they will notice and do it themselves, and in addition, I have the opportunity to acknowledge the work of the "inventor"
  • during the conversation, I can get a feel for the company atmosphere and what concerns the colleagues - I can answer questions first-hand, which is better than the shower news, and I have what to focus on in the next newsletter
  • they can ask about maintenance and investments - I will provide accurate information, even if these changes are realized, even if not. This affects the feeling of security, the degree of involvement increases. 

Quality, occupational health and safety, productivity and employee retention also fit into 30 minutes, and the many small effects add up in the long term. 

What do you do with your free half hours?

Picture of Kovács Kati

Kovács Kati

I help production organizations maximize their potential and establish joyful, stress-free operation

Blog posts

Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits (interim.hu). Dóra

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Lean in the Closet

Last weekend, I chose a podcast about styles while I was cleaning, and there was an unfortunate explanation that style doesn’t necessarily mean buying designer items,

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How can I support the change?

This weekend, the BENT Balatoni Női Vállalkozói Egyesület organized the EMPOWERHER business conference, where I had the pleasure of participating in a very insightful panel discussion led by Dóra Markovits (interim.hu). Dóra

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